Thursday, December 5, 2019

This video gives you an incredible view of the "world's largest seed bomb"in making.

I approach you with the request to help. In April 2020 I want to cross borders of 6 countries in Europe, with a 14 meter long projectile in the shape of a V2 rocket filled with seeds and spores. At the moment I'm crowdfunding and I reached 57% procent with 140 donations and with only 12 days to go I need all the help I can get.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Soon E.S.E. will start with his crowdfund campaign on to get world's largest seed bomb the "Bioremediating Missile" transported to the Netherlands.

We need your help getting this transport done!

Are you curious? Click on the the link below and fill in your information to be the first to know when our campaign starts.

Binnenkort gaat E.S.E. van start met zijn crowdfund campagne op om 's werelds grootste zadenbom de "Bioremediating Missile" naar Nederland te krijgen. 
Wij hebben jullie hulp hierbij nodig!
Ben je benieuwd? Schrijf je nu in via de onderstaande link en je bent de eerste die melding krijgt van voordekunst dat onze campagne gestart is.

Monday, March 25, 2019

What would you like to see?

This short documentary introduces Ecological Space Engineering and the proces towards building the world's largest seed bomb, also known as the "Bioremediating Missile".